Prathishta / Presiding Deity : Chammundi
Upadevatha / Sub Deities : xx
District: Kasaragod
Thaluk: xx
Panchayath: Arikkady
Thanthri: xx
Trustee: xx
The temple is known as 'Arikkady Parasthanam Bhagavathy Ali Chamundi Temple' and
presiding deities is Chammudi devi. The main attraction is that muslim magician
called "Ali" is presiding as one of the sub deity.
This temple has more than 800 years of age. It is believed that Chammudi devi saved
her devotees from magical tricks of magician Ali. Devi had destroyed his arrogance
and evil activities by killing him. It is believed that "Ali" was wearing an magical
amulet and thus creating problems with his magics. Devi is said to have destroyed
it by removed it. After killing him, devi asked devotees to build shrine for him
No daily poojas done here. only 'Samkramam' pooja happens (The day before entering
a Malayalam month). It is caste-no-bar temple, all religions can visit and worship
Important festival is "Kaliyata" here. Festival starts on 16th of Meenam month of
malayalam calendar
15 km east of Kasaragod.